stallion reproduction management
A stallion’s breeding is tracked and managed by contract. equineGenie tracks, manages, records and accounts for booking fees and service fees.
A stallion’s live cover is recorded, tracked and managed. equineGenie tracks a stallion’s behavior parameters and conception rates.
equineGenie reports a stallion’s breeding activity based on their breed information, mares covered, conception rate and the mares information.
A stallion’s semen can be cultured and entered in equineGenie for tracking, treating and reporting.
A stallion’s sperm morphology results can be entered and tracked.
stallion reproduction - collection management
A stallion’s collections are recorded, tracked, managed, analyzed and reported.
A stallion’s collection parameters are entered, tracked, managed and reported.
Stallion collections are prepared for shipment.
A stallion’s cooled semen is shipped, tracked and managed. Cooled semen is shipped with professional shipping documentation that documents the semen collection and preparation parameters.
stallion reproduction - frozen semen management
equineGenie provides for the preparation of frozen semen. Frozen semen parameters are entered, tracked, managed and reported.
Frozen semen is stored and inventoried. Frozen straws are categorized and tracked by storage tank ID, Canister ID, Cane ID and storage date.
Frozen straws are prepared for shipment.
Frozen semen is shipped, tracked and managed. Frozen semen is shipped with professional shipping documentation that documents the semen collection and frozen straw parameters.
Worldwide frozen semen storage facility management with frozen straw tracking, measurement, management, accounting and reporting.
Frozen semen straw inventory management in total and by stallion.
mare reproduction - estrous cycle management
A mare’s breeding is tracked and managed by contracts. equineGenie manages and accounts for stallion booking and service fees.
The mares estrous cycle is recorded, tracked, managed and reported. The equineGenie estrous cycle management includes:
- Teasing
- Ovarian Activity
- Uterine Activity
- Cervical Tone
Ovarian activity includes right and left ovary management and follicle ultrasound image storage.
Uterine activity includes edema, tone and fluid management.
Reproduction tests and treatments are recorded and managed in the mare's health care screens.
mare reproduction - breeding management
Mare breeding management includes semen ordering, semen arrival, semen parameters, mare insemination, ovulatory agents used and if a caslick is preformed.
equineGenie reminds you to remove a caslick at 300 days gestation.
equineGenie records, tracks, manages and reports uterine cultures and cytology smears. The horse knowledgebase contains several relevant organism and medication selections that can be chosen. equineGenie enables and remembers new organism and medications entered.
equineGenie records, tracks, manages and reports progesterone tests.
A progesterone treatment plan can be setup with scheduled reminders.
Progesterone treatments administered are reordered, tracked, managed and reported. Test results are automatically added to a mare’s reproduction and health reports.
equineGenie manages a mare’s pregnancy checks and calculates and reports a mare’s projected foaling date.
mare reproduction - embryo transfer management
equineGenie records, tracks, manages and reports a mare’s breeding, embryo flushing, embryo use and embryo transfer process and procedures.
equineGenie maintains a log of embryo use, storage and inventory.
equineGenie tracks and manages the preparation and shipping of embryos.
equineGenie manages the recipient mares embryo transfer, pregnancy checks and pregnancy.
equineGenie calculates and reports the recipient mares projected foaling data.
Worldwide frozen embryo storage facility management with frozen embryo tracking, measurement, management and reporting.
Frozen embryo inventory management in total and by mare.
mare reproduction - foaling management
equineGenie records, manages and reports a mare’s complete foaling process.
A mare’s pre foaling activity and indicators can be recorded and reported.
A mare’s stage 1, 2, and 3, labor can be recorded and reported.
- Membrane ruptures
- Legs are presented
- Delivery
- Placenta passed and it condition
A mare’s post foaling activities can be recorded and reported.
- Foal stands
- Foal nurses
- Umbilicus dipped
- Enema given
- Mare’s behavior
- IgG level
registration and nominations
A horse’s registration can be scheduled and equineGenie will generate a reminder when the registration is due without a penalty.
A foal’s or horse’s nominations can be scheduled and equineGenie will generate a reminder when the nomination is due or due again without a penalty.
If the nomination is reoccurring equineGenie will generate a reminder every time it is due.